Perhaps this is normal. Maybe an overreaction on my part? But, wow. Have you ever seen such a fine display of OCD in your life? If you know my family at all, you know who did this. If you don't, let me introduce you to Maryn Sadler.
How the girl loves to organize. Not only does she do so according to species, but she must also make sure there is a family grouping. Moms, Dads, sisters, cousins. She can go a little ballistic when she can't have everything just the right way. "Ballistic?" you say. C'mon over and take one of those dinosaurs away...
I truly don't have any idea where this insanity comes from. Just because I like the mail to be stored from smallest to biggest, all of my clothes color coded, and nothing on my countertops does not mean that this is a hereditary trait. No. I am sure she developed this in utero.
This is a problem people. Do you know that insanity that I put my parents through? Well, let me tell you. First let's discuss the dreaded school supply shopping. I had to get the folders from the very bottom of the pile because I could NOT stand them to be wrinkled. When it came time to do my math homework (which required my dad to read my math book in it's entirety - OH.MY.HELL. A post all it's own.) I could not handle any eraser marks. It wasn't enough for me to complete the assignment and then rewrite it. I had to redo it every time I erased something. Yeah. I had many a late night doing math at the elementary level.
I wonder why my parents keep laughing and muttering something under their breath about paybacks....?
1 comment:
I am dying I am laughing so hard... Katelyn cannot function if she doesn't get to erase every little imperfection, but then the eraser marks make an imperfection, so alas, we start over and the cycle continues. As she does this, I am freaking out about all the little eraser flecks that are getting all over the table and (GASP) maybe even the floor. It's too horrible to even continue... but I feel you on this one. These girls are going to give us a run for our money and Dan and Kyle are going to laugh their butts off watching it all.
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