I got to go with my amazing friend Emily and her kids Isaac, Davis and baby Abby to the "This Is The Place" monument today. They had a fun Halloween activity that included crafts, trick-or-treating, a puppet show, and various and sundry other activities. The kids had a good time - with the exception of Maryn. Unfortunately, they had a train at said activity and that made her uneasy to say the least. I know, sounds kooky. But, there was an "incident" with her and my parents on the way home from the circus on Trax that caused her to be TERRORIZED by trains. To an adult it was really no biggie. But to a kid with, shall we say, heightened anxiety levels it was more than a big whoop. Apparently my Dad and Madelyn almost missed the train. As levelheaded adults we know that they can just catch the next train and all will be right with the world. But in Maryn's mind the world was actually coming to an end.
I know it may sound as if I am being a horrible mother and mocking my child's fears. And, maybe I am. But I am tellin' ya' it is the only way I am going to make it through. I am pretty sure I need to be on anti-anxiety medication to control my anxiety about Maryn's anxiety. Do you follow??
Nonetheless we tried to make the most of our time together and after a while she did calm down a bit. I made her ride the train (you can nominate me for mother of the year) because I believe you've gotta' get back on that horse, tackle your fears and make all the other parents stare at you because you are traumatizing your child. I am sure she will thank me someday.
I would however like to end this entry on a positive note. My dear friend Emily will celebrate her birthday in a week. In light of that, I would like to list the top 10 reasons why I love her to pieces.
- She is the most unselfish person you will ever meet. She is always doing things for others and truly expects nothing in return.
- We can drive to St. George and back, ride an airplane all the way to New York City, and spend more time than we are supposed to at dinner and NEVER run out of things to talk about.
- She makes me want to be a better mom. She always puts her kids first and she is so patient with them. She even tried to alleviate Maryn's stress today. Not an easy task!
- She constantly tries to improve herself. No matter what obstacles she might encounter, she still works on being the best she can be.
- She believed in me enough to give me my first aerobics teaching job even though I was probably not that great!
- The girl is so stinkin' creative. Actually, that should be on the list labeled "Top Ten Things That Make Me Jealous of Emily."
- She is a very spiritual person but never pushes her religion on anyone. She is always accepting of others beliefs.
- I know that Emily will always tell me the truth. Don't get me wrong, she isn't at all rude, but I know I can count on her for an honest opinion.
- Emily's brother recently went through a divorce. Even though she had just given birth to her 3rd child, she took care of her 5 nieces and nephews while her brother got settled in. That is more than amazing.
- She accepts me for who I am. I can always be myself around her. And that means sweat pants, ugly t-shirts and eating chocolate immediately after a humongous meal!
Sounds like I need to meet this Emily! I bet she could teach me a thing or two about patience and grace. . .
Oh my dearest Trixy. You have plenty of patience and grace. The worm? C'mon.
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