Thursday, May 22, 2008


I must tell you that this may quite possibly be the worst day of my entire life. Well that may be a slight exaggeration. Here's the scoop.
Apparently someone who has a little too much time on their hands decided to research the worst beverages in the United States. You, like I was, may be shocked at what they found out. Are you sitting down? Seriously, are you?
Here are the statistics on a large (32 oz.) Baskin Robbins Heath Shake:

2,310 calories
266 g sugar
108 g fat (64 g saturated)

Let's look at America's Worst Drink in numbers:

73: The number of ingredients that go into this milkshake.
66: The number of teaspoons of sugar this drink contains.
11: The number of Heath Bars you would have to eat to equal the number of calories found in one Baskin Robbins Large Heath Bar Shake.
8-12: The average number of minutes it takes to consume this drink.
240: The number of minutes you’d need to spend on a treadmill burning it off, running at a moderate pace.

Startling to say the least.
Well I'm off. I think I better get a small.

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