Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Watch Out Mary Lou

So the girls have been taking gymnastic lessons at The Little Gym for about a year and a half. They love it now, but Maryn DID NOT like it in the beginning. In fact, Dan and I stopped telling her where we were going when it was gymnastics day because she would have a cow - a real, live cow.
At any rate, they are so fun to watch and the growth they have made since the beginning is amazing. Our little Skinny-Rinny (that's Maryn for those of you who don't know) can actually smile in class now. Madelyn really likes it because she can share her personal stories and tell other kids what to do. You know those annoying kids in school who always had to raise their hands and share a personal story? That is Maddie. Although it is somewhat less annoying because she is mine.

The girls just recently had their end of semester program and it was hilarious. Maryn was so proud of everything she did and looked all around to see if we were watching. Maddie loved her moment in the spotlight and couldn't get enough of the applause. The girl is constantly posing for someone - not always sure who though.
Dan was able to be there, as he always is. What a great dad - always there to support his girls. We were also very fortunate to have my mom and my father-in-law attend. They have been steadfast supporters of the girls and it means more than they will even know.
We were also lucky enough to have Dan's aunt Cindy and her boys Nick and Zach here from Colorado and they attended as well as Dan's grandparents.
What a great day and how lucky we are!

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