Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Honor Thyself

I have the best job in all of the world. I get to help people not only reach their fitness goals but, because I teach Yoga, I also get to help them discover themselves. Well, that is my goal anyway.
I always have these words of wisdom for my class about honoring themselves and being content with where they are in their Yoga practice, in their life, etc. I ask them not to judge themselves against others, but rather to measure their progress within. I tell them that our classroom is their "safe-haven" where they can escape from the negativity that saturates us at times. And then I get in my car.
I find myself getting angry at the stupid car in front of me, stressing out about the fact that I am likely going to be late to my next class. Hating my hair, my body, stress.
Why can we not be as kind to ourselves as we are to the stranger on the street? Why can't we accept ourselves for what we are and where we are in life? What makes us yearn so much for MORE? Why can't we love ourselves?

It is rewarding to find someone whom you like, but it is essential to like yourself.

It is quickening to recognize someone as a good and decent human being, but it is more important to view yourself as acceptable.

It is a delight to discover people who are worthy of respect, admiration, and love, but it is vital to believe yourself deserving of these things.

You can't live in someone else. You cannot find yourself in someone else. You can't be given a life by someone else. Of all of the people you know in a lifetime you are the only one you will never leave or lose.

To the question of your life, you are the only answer.

To the problems of your life, you are the only solution.


Anonymous said...

Tiff, thanks for the great words! We can't hear stuff like that enough. We tear ourselves down everyday. Thanks for taking a minute to bring things back up. When you ready to hang with me again? I miss your guts.

You are enough.

Tawny said...

As a person lucky enough to have taken your class, I must say this..

You ARE beautiful!
You ARE a genius yoga instructor!
You ARE the most amazing mother!

I admire so many more qualities about you and, yet, I hardly know everything there is to know about you Tiff. I love you and thank you for always giving me words of encouragement. They mean more than you know!