Saturday, September 27, 2008

Super Duper Night

I had the chance to go out with my riot of a friend Aimee last night. The aforementioned friend is also the one who convinced me it was cool to get a tattoo the size of a small country on my foot. Now I don't want to blame her for me being a lemming, but she is very convincing.
She had the fun idea to go to the "sing along" version of Mamma Mia. Although I felt like it might be a little out of my comfort zone (no, I am serious - I don't generally sing in front of just anyone) I knew it would make for a fun night.
Turned out there were maybe ten other extremely stuffy people in the theater with us. Nobody sang. Nobody. Well, except me and Aim. We were subdued at first and then I think we both let our inhibitions go and we had a blast. That is until Meryl Streep's character began to sing a song to her daughter who was about to get married. If you have seen the movie you know the exact scene I am speaking about. I had seen the movie before so I knew it was coming. Which was good because I was able to hold my emotions in check. O.K. That is a giant lie. So I looked at her and she looked at me and we both started to cry. Sorta put a damper on the fun for a minute. But, luckily, we are survivors and we were able to pick up the pieces and move on. And move we did. Well Aimee did. And I mean MOVE. First she serenaded me with her cell phone. Then she proceeded to get up in front of the movie screen (don't worry Eric everyone else had left!) and do the worm. I was sure I was going to pee my pants. People complimented her on her singing. Maybe a good career move??
After the movie we went to The Dodo for dinner. If you have never been there you must go. Totally my favorite restaurant in the land. Aimee suggested (again the girl is persuasive) that we order hummus as an appetizer. Chickpeas? Seriously? But I conceded and guess what? It was really good. See what can happen when you get out of your box for a minute? Dan was impressed at the influence she had on me that enabled me to try something new. Funny, he wasn't impressed with her same influence about the tattoo.... Nobody to blame but myself for that thing. It was the vodka talking. Not really people.
Aim and I had some good heart to hearts last night and I was, in the words of Maryn, a "boo-hoo baby." Aimee if you are reading this I want to thank you for listening to me and caring about what I had to say. And for trying to work with me to figure out some sort of resolution. It really meant a lot. I am glad we are friends.


Aimee Wilson said...

Oh my, my, that was a fun night. Thanks for not mentioning how I almost killed us in the car! I had a good laugh reading that, which is exactly what I needed today! I bet for you too! I feel a little evil for persuading you so....

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great friend. Must. Meet. Her. I also need a tatoo. And vodka.
