Before you read this I want to remind you that I started writing this blog for myself and my thoughts. This post might sound political and like I am attacking people's religious beliefs - and it may downright offend some of my closest friends. But, here goes....
What is irritating me right now is that life is not all black and white. There are some things that just do not fit into a perfect little box neatly tied with a satin bow. And there are a lot of these things. Abortion, same-sex marriage, birth control, and the list goes on and on.
My frustration is that I don't believe these things should be discussed at one's place of worship. I believe church is a place to get closer to God - to become a more Christlike person. Not a place to bash other people's decisions. And, let's be honest, you know where your particular church stands on the issues. Is that really the venue to tell people how to vote, what to think, etc.? Really, I am asking. I would love to know what you think. That is assuming of course that we are still friends at this point.
My fear is that we are going to start creating a rift between our fellow man. What about the parent who's daughter needed an abortion because her pregnancy was going to endanger her life? How about the couple who decided they are not ready for a family and they use birth control? And the parents who child is homosexual but they love him/her anyway? Are these people evil and wrong and sure to meet hell, fire and damnation because they see something in a little different light than their church does?
I like to think God is a little more loving than that.
Dan is currently pulling me off of my soapbox....
Technically, church and state ARE seperate, but we know how that goes. At any rate, I think you can be a Christian and a liberal or whatever, because there is no black and white in this world, just a whole lotta people trying to do the best they can under their present circumstances. I am a firm believer in karma and life is no respector of persons, one day you're the windshield, the next day you're the bug.
Does this mean you agree with me?? I am SURE you do...
Hi. I agree with you too. Maybe thats why I don't care for most church. Let people live, and let God judge. I believe he is loving and understanding to everyone.
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