Thursday, October 9, 2008

My First Tag

Quirky Quirks
  1. I am a total germaphobe. I carry a bottle of antibacterial soap on my keychain, open doors with my sleeves, and I hate it when you go to a restaurant and they give you a new plate that is wet. There has to be other people's whatevers on that thing.
  2. I have an uncanny ability to remember customers account numbers (and the members name that accompanied the number) from my teller job at Cyprus Credit Union - approximately 15 years ago. Too bad I can't remember anything that would really serve me in life.
  3. I wear underwear for 2 weeks before I wash them. PSYCHE.
  4. I have to stack the mail from smallest to largest when I bring it in from the mailbox. It just looks so much neater that way.
  5. I still have the blanket (aka "Blanko") that I came home from the hospital in. Don't be a hater. Incidentally, a piece of it is sewn into my wedding dress. Something old....
  6. I spend entirely way too much time blogging and emailing.
I tag each any every one of you that reads my blog.

1 comment:

Aimee Wilson said...

GIRL! I have the blankie I came home from the hospital in too. Just another reason we are kindred spirits. I am Anne Shirley and you are Diana Barry.
p.s. loving your fam pic. You look so hot in it. Like a total S.A.H. For real though, a total hottie.