Saturday, October 18, 2008

Wee Witches Weekend

One of my favorite places to go for Halloween is Gardner Village. Not only do they have their whimsical witch display, but they have great activities for kids and adults.
Yesterday the girls, my mom and I went to a tea party at the Protea Cottage in the Village. When I first looked into this, I was a little hesitant because it was pretty pricey. But let me tell you, it was worth every penny. We dressed in our Halloween attire (this is the first year since high school that I have dressed up for Halloween) and arrived to find a beautiful, cozy tea parlor. The table was set with small tea cups for the girls and fishy crackers for them to eat. They were able to choose from hot chocolate, hot apple cider or lemonade to drink. The adults had the same choices as well as many different teas to choose from. I had pumpkin spice tea and it was delicious.
They then brough out a tea tray with SO.MUCH. FOOD I could not believe my eyes. Little finger sandwiches, hot scones, desserts galore - even chocolate covered strawberries...HELLO.
The hostess of the party told the children that she was giving out a prize for the guest with the best tea manners. She told them to sit up straight, use their napkins, say please and thank you, chew with their mouths closed. Ya' know, all the things you tell them to do at home that they don't respond to because there is no prize involved! She also told them she would be giving out prizes for the best costumes. They were careful (and smart) to make sure every child received a prize for their costume. It was such a great time. I want to get all of my friends together for an adult tea party. I felt like I was in 18th century England!
We got to watch the costume parade after that. This may stun and shock you, but Madelyn participated and Maryn didn't. Oh well, she enjoyed watching.
Out final event of the day was to ride the tractor drawn wagon with one of the funny Gardner Village witches. We have done this before with the same witch and she is hilarious!
The only regret was that I was at my wits end and my kids were at their breaking point so we weren't able to join our friends Dawn and Christopher for their Halloween party. Hopefully they will still invite us back next year.

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