Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Equal Rights

I was so proud last Tuesday when we let down our prejudices and elected the first African American President. No matter what your political stance, it was an amazing time for our country.
While I reflected on this historic event, I thought back on all of the laws that seem so strange now. It wasn't until 1870 that African American men were guaranteed the right to vote. And it was a mere eighty-eight years ago that women were granted that same right. Can you believe in 1967 it was still illegal in thirteen states for couples of different races to marry? Seems a little ludicrous now, doesn't it?
Here we are in 2008. We have come so far. Or have we? On November 6, 2008 voters in California voted yes on Proposition 8, a measure that would amend the state constitution to restrict the definition of marriage to a union between a man and a woman.
I gotta' tell ya', I don't get it. Now I understand that not everyone is comfortable with this topic. Maybe you have never been fortunate enough to know someone who is homosexual. I have and here's a little secret - THEY.ARE.NORMAL. I mean whatever the definition of "normal" is.
In discussions with some of my friends, there has been concern about what would be taught to our children if this amendment were not passed. Listen, I am as concerned as the next parent. When Maryn and Madelyn ask were babies come from (oh mercy it has happened) we tell them that it takes a mommy and a daddy who love each other. I know that one day they are going to understand that is not necessarily the reality. Sometimes there isn't a mommy and a daddy. Sometimes it just takes a stiff drink and a little mood music! Really though there just aren't as many "traditional" families out there as there used to be. That is where we as parents come in. It is OUR responsibility to teach our children the values, morals, and principles that are important to us. They are going to hear so many things that we don't want them to but we have the amazing opportunity to teach them the things that we hold dear.
So what if they go to school and here that little Billy has two mommy's? Instead of propagating hatred and bigotry, could we use it as a learning experience? Just something to think about.
I feel so lucky to live in an era where so many things are possible. Where we can stand up and declare that we are more civilized than we were one hundred years ago. More than anything I long for my girls to live in a world were everyone is treated equally. Why can't it be so?
I will leave you with just one more thing to ponder:


Aimee Wilson said...

Amen sister friend.

Tawny said...

Shut up Trixy lovelace!!! I was just about to say the same thing....Can I jinx via blog!?

Aimee Wilson said...

Jinx! 12345678910!

Unknown said...

Rock on Tiffany! I am going to join you on your soap box and add that the thing I can't stand more than people spewing intolerance, is doing so in the name of God.