Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Winter Sings

Today the girls had their Winter Sings program at school. I suppose it is called that because the world is all PC these days.
I am tellin' you, it was the cutest thing in the whole world. It was a surreal moment looking up at those two faces and remembering all of the prayers I said to get them. And, little do they know, it is those cute little faces that are their saving grace some days.
My parents were both able to attend as was Dan's dad. I feel so lucky to have such wonderful family to support me and to love my children. I couldn't help thinking how proud of them their Grandma Nancy would have been. Unfortunately, our Daddy had to go to Chicago today for work. Another thing I am so grateful for. A husband who works his butt off to ensure our kids have a Mommy who can stay home with them. Although lately they might be wishing I would get an "extra full-time, evening/day, get the hell out of my face", job.
I am starting to feel it... a little more.

P.S. Wouldn't I be a super mom if I took pictures of this event? Well I didn't. But, I have a video. You are welcome to come over anytime and see it.

1 comment:

Aimee Wilson said...

Holy Moses, she updated! I wish I could have seen your girlies. I'll have to watch the vid. We were going to buy tickets to the Polar Express, which would have cost two arms and five toes, but it SOLD OUT. Bummer. Glad to hear you are surviving the holidays, I just took a chill pill to survive them. Maybe not just the holidays, but having my eye sliced open like a grape while "lasers" are shot in there. Deep breaths....