O.K. So I decided it would be a great idea to have Madelyn and Maryn try out for their dance studio's competition team. I don't know if it was the same day I also decided to smoke meth or the day the I first tried crack cocaine. Suffice it to say, not my greatest decision making moment.
If I may defend myself. Because I know what you are saying to yourself. "Who puts their 6 year old on a competition dance team?" "What parent in their right mind wants to subject their daughter to the woes of competition at such an early age?" "What in the hell were you thinking?"
All good questions. In fact all questions that I have asked myself. So here is my explanation - paltry as it may be. I felt as if they would have the opportunity to learn more. See? Perfectly good reason. I knew you would think so.
This little adventure has not been anything like I imagined. First, they were only supposed to participate in one or two competitions. We are now in five. Secondly, I was under the impression (FALSE) that if it was a competition team perhaps things would be a little more organized than in a regular class setting. Did I mention I was WRONG? I also didn't realize that competition season ran well into the summer. There are so many other things amiss about the equation, but I bet you get the point. However, that is neither here nor there at this point. We signed up and by damn we are going to see this commitment through. (But only because I am trying to teach a lesson. I would be LONG GONE if I could be. Oh the trials of parenthood.)
I digress.
I really just wanted to show you the cute picture of my little girlies at their recent performance. This might surprise you (if you have been living under a rock for the last 6 years or you have never met Maryn), but she was mortified that she had to wear a wig. In fact, as strong as that word is, I am not sure if it really portrays her feelings. But she did it. Although she did tell her teacher that she didn't think the wig matched the costume and that it would be "much cuter" without it. I should tell you that they danced to ABC by the Jackson 5. Hence the wig.
They're kinda cute, eh?
P.S. I am going to take a photography class. I know...pathetic photos.
Where do your cute girls take dance? I've been trying to find something for Bre to do in the summer.
Hey Shell,
They take at a place called Axis here in South Jordan. Although I would NOT recommend it. We are switching to another studio.
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