Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Shameless Self Promotion

A fun, new adventure coming my way. Who knew?

My crafty-craftiness has earned me a spot at a new boutique. The boutique is opening this summer next to Four Chairs in Lindon. I don't even think they have named it yet, but I will be sure to give you the details when I get them.

My jewelry will also be featured at a local coffee shop called High Point Coffee. Not only do they serve tasty treats and a mean iced tea, they are really NICE people.

And lastly, I have set up a shop on that dangerous crafting website, Etsy. I don't have my items posted yet but, again, I will let you know when I do!


O'Bryan Family said...

How exciting for you! I wish you lots of success!!!

The Sadler Crew said...

Thanks, Denise!

Ali Mae said...

Hip hip hooray!! You got my call!! And your jewelry is getting the shameless self promotion it deserves! When I didn't hear back from you I assumed I had lost you forever... how happy I am to have seen your comment today on my shamefully 'un'promoted blog. I'll be calling you soon. I have Wednesdays off for any kind of getting together and most Saturday mornings are good for tea and a chat. What works for you??

Anonymous said...

Hey - Congratulations! I realized today that I haven't seen you on FB - you just disappeared! (Unless you were trying to dodge me-hope not!) Glad your crafting is going so well.