Saturday, February 27, 2010

Who Said Child Labor Can't Be Fun?

At different times during the girls' lives, we have had people come in to help clean (insert judgment here). The girls have always thought it was interesting and especially loved it when one person left mints under our pillows.

So today they wanted to play "cleaning lady." Years ago for Christmas my Mom gave them a toy cleaning set complete with brooms, mops, and a "wet floor" sign. Well now that they are older they understand there is a bit more to cleaning the house than mopping and sweeping. So they asked me to get them Clorox wipes and Windex. And, really, who am I to begrudge them a perfectly good playing experience (insert judgment here)?

Suffice it to say that the baseboards that have been on my "to do" list for years are getting the attention they need.

I just love imaginations!

1 comment:

O'Bryan Family said...

You know I like this line of thinking!!! I know what my kids will be doing now on their day off from school Friday...THANKS!